Independence Day Events Planned

Independence Day Events Planned
–by Mayor Craig Stough



On July 4, 1776 John Adams, signer of the newly written Declaration of Independence and future second president of the United States, publicly predicted that July 4th would be celebrated with festivals and parades, athletic competitions, oratory and fireworks forevermore. From what was a very dangerous and uncertain future 242 years ago, his words were truly prophetic.

His message is still clear here in Sylvania. Independence Day, 2018 is nearly upon us, and Sylvania has events planned to honor America and celebrate our freedom.

First and foremost will be our Independence Day Celebration the evening of July 3 at Centennial Terrace. Starting at 7 p.m. there will be entertainment, live music and food. And once it gets dark, we will have one of the biggest and best fireworks display in northwest Ohio. Thousands of people will be on hand to enjoy them.

Each year, Sylvania City Councilman Mark Frye helps organize a spectacular fireworks show, and he promises this year will be no exception. The fireworks can also be viewed very well from Pacesetter Park. Our thanks to Sylvania Township for helping to sponsor these fireworks along with the city of Sylvania.

Thank you also to the many volunteers for this very special event, and also to SAJRD for their hard work and planning. Proceeds from this event go towards the continuing improvements and operation of Centennial Terrace, a wonderful asset for the entire community.

•New this year will be a Celebration of Freedom on the Fourth of July at the Lathrop House on South Main Street, which will include a reading of the Declaration of Independence.
The event starts at 10 a.m., and I am honored to begin the reading this year.

•Along with the many holiday baseball and softball games already planned, another event on the Fourth of July will be the 23rd annual international vintage base ball game with the Actives of Woodstock, Ontario, our Sister City. Each year the Sylvania Great Black Swamp Frogs Base Ball Club travels north to Woodstock for a Canada Day game on July 1 and then they return here for the Independence Day game on July 4. This year’s game will be at Wildwood Metropark at 1 p.m.

Other major activities planned for July are:
•The Marathon LPGA Golf Tournament held at Highland Meadows Golf Club during the week of July 9.
•The Sylvania Pizza Palooza is scheduled for Friday, July 20 and Saturday, July 21 at Centennial Terrace.

I wish you all a safe and happy summer – Sylvania is a great place to enjoy it!

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